Monday, 7 May 2012


1. Listen to the following text.

Nice today, isn't it?
During the first days of your visit to Britain, you will discover that the weather often changes.
In Britain you often don't have the same weather for two consecutive days.
In fact, in Britain you often don't have the same weather for two consecutive hours! First it's sunny, so you leave your coat at the hotel... but then it starts to rain.
You go back for the coat and suddenly it's sunny again!
 Sometimes the weather changes like this all day. In fact, the weather probably changes all night too, but you can't see it at night.
You will also discover that the British love talking about the weather. In the Sahara, you can’t really say, 'Hot today, isn't it?' because it's hot every day. In Britain, however, you can say, 'Horrible, isn't it? It'll probably be nice this afternoon', or 'Nice, isn't it? It'll probably be horrible this afternoon'. In fact, in Britain you can talk about the weather all day, and everything that you say... the other person already knows!

2. How many times do these words occur in the text?
a) Britain
b) Weather
c) Rain

3. What do you think the text is about?

4. Write true or false:
a)  The weather never changes.
b)  During your visit to Britain, you won't notice anything peculiar about the weather.
c)  In Britain the really like talking about weather.
d) In the UK it's always raining.
e)  Britain has the same weather everyday

5. Talk to your classmates about the weather in your area. Write, at least, sentences.

Please, paste your answers in a comment below.


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